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Are you still working on it?

There have been no news on Patreon since Development Update - New Animations, 5 Feb 2022; and even less here.

is this safe from viruses



did it end it hasn't been updated in months

Is this the latest version of the game or is this just a public release type thing?

Its the public release

What platforms is this available for, and is Mac one of them?


Yes, Win, Linux and Mac.


was going to try this one, but from the overview, it looks like it's Male-only main character? Bummer. Wanted to play this, due to the name, but with Female Main option and the resulting scenerios that'd result in a Vyking world for a mortal Valkyrie.

After all, the game title does happen to be "Vyking's Daughter."



Love the game. Great content and nice texture to details. I will become a Patreon in the near future, broke at the moment... However, I have a question. See I haven't played this game in a while and I think I have version 1.8.0? I wonder how I can use my older save with this latest Free version? I'd appreciate some help in this matter. Keep up the good work! You guys are amazing.



If the old save doesn't work you can go to the menu and select Load Game -> Yes. This will load a Dev save which starts very close to where the new content is.


Well, I have the old save but it doesn't want to load it. Something about not found or something, unsure. But I guess it's no problem for me to redo the gameplay as I enjoy the game :) Thanks


I can't seem to get Third Person view to work... perhaps I'm not understanding the instructions?

what exactly am I supposed to do to switch between views and why is it not simply a keybind?



Third person view is only during animation scenes and could be switched from the UI on the right side.


I have a problem when I finished the combat training with Hilde, I go to Avilda but she tells me again to do the combat training with her sister and I can't go forward to the next missions. Could you tell me why this happens?


Hello, this bug is now fixed, it happens because you talked to Harald again after completing the fishing quest.

To get around this bug, make sure to talk to Harald only once after completing the fishing and don't interact with him on that day again.


Wanted to like this game because it's open world and has good graphics, but the combat system is impossible to play on a laptop. 

Hope some day you change it to a simple button control or add controller support as i really wanted to play this past the first combat scenario.

so i try to install. first it won't show me how much space it's gonna take, and because it won't bring that up, if i try to install i just get an error popup. i'm using the desktop application.


The game is around 3.7GB, I'm not sure what's the problem with downloading, can you try downloading from the itch io website instead of the desktop app?

the problem is that i'm not, super tech inclined, which i use the application since it does the work for me

The download it from the website, open your browser and type in this url, you will see a download button after the game's description.

Graphic's are actually very nice. the idea is interesting as well. a few points. 

1) interacting with the environment, (people, objects, etc.) in most games would be tied to a key next to your movement key's. so E or F. instead it is bound to the left mouse button. not actually intuitive and slightly distracting when I'm trying to talk to someone and cant get them to respond.

2) Jump has 2 key's. The space bar and scrolling up on the mouse wheel. again, generally the scroll wheel is for cycling through things as that is what feels most intuitive.

3) The most damning part. the optimization. if you are going to have long load times then for the love of sanity, reduce the number of the loading screens the player has to see. first five minutes I'm looking at three screen's with 2-5 minute wait times each. playing for thirty minutes to see if i would want to subscribe on patreon I spent more time in loading screens than in actual game play. 

overall I would say the game is interesting and if the game is optimized a bit better in the future i will definitely be looking into it more.



Thanks for your suggestions. About loading times - can you post your PC specs? For me it takes no more than 10 seconds or 25 if I test on a very old laptop. Does the same heavy loading time happen when you try to load the scene of the second island (Skadiland)? What about Alvilda's house?
